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Index of the Suttas of the
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Saḷāyatana Vagga
Mātu-gāma Saṃyutta


Index of Sutta Indexes


IV. Saḷāyatana Vagga

PTS: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 4, Saḷāyatana-Vagga ed. by M. Léon Feer, London: Pāḷi Text Society 1894. The html formatted Pāḷi Text Society edition of the Pāḷi text.
BJT: Saṃyutta Nikāya Volume 4, Saḷāyatana-Vagga The Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series Pāḷi text.

The Pāḷi text for individual suttas listed below is adapted from the Sri Lanka Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series [BJT], not from the PTS version.
Each translation is linked to its Pāḷi version and to the PTS, Olds and where available to the ATI Bhk. Thanissaro translation, and each of these is in turn linked back to each of the others. Many, but not all have been checked against the Pāḷi Text Society edition, and many have been reformatted to include the original Pāḷi (and/or organizational) phrase and sentence breaks.

PTS: The Kindred Sayings on the Sixfold Sphere of Sense and Other Subjects, translated by F.L. Woodward,
WP: The Book of the Six Sense Bases, translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
ATI: The translations of Bhikkhu Thanissaro and others originally located on Access to Insight.
BD: The translations of M. Olds

III. Mātu-gāma Saṇyutta, III.238

PTS: Kindred Sayings about Womankind, IV.162
WP: Connected Discourses on Women, II.1286

I. Peyyāla Vagga, IV.238

1. Manāpā A-manāpā (aka Mātu-gāma) Suttaṃ, IV.238

Five things which if missing make a woman uninteresting for a man and five which make her delightful.

PTS: Charming and Not Charming, IV.162
WP: Agreeable and Disagreeable, II.1286

2. Manāpā A-manāpā (aka Purisa) Suttaṃ, IV.238

Five things which if missing make a man uninteresting for a woman and five which make him delightful.

PTS: Charming and Not charming 2, IV.162
WP: Agreeable and Disagreeable 2, II.1286

3. Āveṇika-Dukkha Suttaṃ, IV.239

Five sufferings unique to women.
It is interesting to note that of the five the two that depend on social customs have been greatly altered but not eliminated even here [U.S.A.] today [Saturday, June 13, 2015]. Women still, for the most part, give up their names, and in the home are still expected to assume duties which amount to serving the man. Even in families with great wealth, where there are servants to do the actual work, the women's role is to supervise in this area. This sutta should be used by men to cultivate sympathy and empathy.

PTS: Special, IV.162
WP: Peculiar, II.1287

4. Tīhi Dhammehi Suttaṃ, IV.240

Five reasons women are cast into Hell after death.

PTS: Three Things, IV.163
WP: Three Qualities, II.1287

Anuruddho I: Kaṇha-pakkho Suttas 5-14

Covering suttas 5-14. The Venerable Anuruddha asks the Buddha about the factors that result in a woman ending up in Hell. He receives ten different answers.
It is unclear exactly how this sutta was originally presented. The PTS text, which I follow, has arranged it as a single question receiving ten different answers. Each answer is then counted as a sutta.
I have set the ten suttas up on one file. The links below connect to the individual suttas.

PTS: Anuruddha 1. The Dark Side
WP: Anuruddha 1. The Dark Side


5. Kodhano Suttaṃ, IV.240

PTS: Wrathful, IV.164
WP: Angry, II.1287

6. Upanāhī Suttaṃ, IV.241

PTS: Grudging, IV.164
WP 6-13: Malicious, Etc., II.1288

7. Issukī Suttaṃ, IV.241

PTS: Envious, IV.164

8. Maccharena Suttaṃ, IV.241

PTS: Through stinginess, IV.164

9. Aticārī Suttaṃ, IV.242

PTS: Adulteress, IV.164

10. Dussīla Suttaṃ, IV.242

PTS: Immorality, IV.164

11. Appa-s-suto Suttaṃ, IV.242

PTS: Of Small Knowledge, IV.164

12. Kusīto Suttaṃ, IV.242

PTS: Indolent, IV.164

13. Muṭṭha-s-sati Suttaṃ, IV.242

PTS: Muddle-headed, IV.

14. Pañca-veram Suttaṃ, IV.243

PTS: The Fivefold Guilty Dread, IV.164
WP: The Five, II.1288

Anuruddho II: Sukka-pakkho Suttas 15-24

Covering suttas 15-24. The Venerable Anuruddha asks the Buddha about the factors that result in a woman ending up in Heavenly Worlds after death. He receives ten different answers.

PTS: Anuruddha 2. The Bright Fortnight
WP: Anuruddha 2. The Bright Side of the Moon


15. Akodhano Suttaṃ, IV.243

PTS: Not Wrathful, IV.164
WP: Without Anger, II.1288

16. Anupanāhī Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Not Grudging, IV.164
WP 16-23: Without Malice, Etc., II.1289

17. Anissukī Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Not Envious, IV.164

18. A-maccharena Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Not Stingy, IV.164

19. Anaticārī Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: No Adulteress, IV.164

20. Sīlavā Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Moral, IV.164

21. Bahu-s-suto Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Of Rich in Knowledge, IV.164

22. Viriya Suttaṃ, IV.244

PTS: Energetic, IV.164

23. Sati Suttaṃ, IV.245

PTS: Has Her Wits about Her, IV.

24. Pañca-sīla Suttaṃ, IV.245

PTS: Observes the Fivefold Charges, IV.164
WP: The Five Precepts, II.1289

III., IV.246

[The BJT Pāḷi has here for #25: Suddha Suttaṃ. It is identical to the next sutta. Their numbering is off by one from this point.]


25. Visāradā Suttaṃ, IV.246

Possessing these five powers a woman lives confident in her home.

PTS: Confident, IV.165
WP: Confident, II.1289

26. Pasayhā Suttaṃ, IV.246

Possessing these five powers a woman lives at home dominating her husband.

PTS: By Force, IV.166
WP: Having Won Over, II.1290

27. Abhibhūyya Suttaṃ, IV.246

Possessing these five powers a woman rolls on loarding over her husband.

PTS: By Conquering, IV.166
WP: Under Her Control, II.1290

28. Eka Suttaṃ, IV.246

With this one power a man dominates his wife no matter what her powers may be.
The term to understand is 'Issariya-balena.' Woodward's 'Authority'. Authoritarian power. Possessing the power to command or enforce submission whether through earned respect or assumed by force of 'might-is-right,' 'fire and sword.'

PTS: One, IV.166
WP: One, II.1290

29. Aṅga Suttaṃ, IV.247

The five powers of a woman are described as 'dimensions'; for a woman to be fully multi-dimensional she must have all five powers.
This sutta did not make sense to me in either the translations or the Pāḷi, so I did it in my 'translation' as I believe it should have been done (as I believe it was originally done.)

PTS: Quality, IV.166
BD: Dimensions, the Olds trans.
WP: In That Respect, II.1290

30. Nāsenti Suttaṃ, IV.247

The power of ethical conduct is shown to be stronger than all the other powers combined.
This sutta too looks as though it was remembered incorrectly. It lacks the obvious symmetry we would expect. Thus I have done a translation of this one as well.

PTS: They Overthrow, IV.167
BD: Abiding Power, the Olds trans.
WP: They Expel, II.1291

31. Hetu Suttaṃ, IV.248

Of the various powers of a woman it is only the power of ethical behavior that drives her to heavenly worlds after death.

PTS: Because of, IV.167
WP: The Cause, II.1292

32. Ṭhānam Suttaṃ, IV.249

Five wishes of women that are made easy to attain by making good kamma.

PTS: Condition, IV.167
WP: Situations, II.1292

33. Visārada-vāda Suttaṃ, IV.250

Five things which give a lay woman confidence.

PTS: Confident, IV.168
WP: Confident, II.1293

34. Vaḍḍhi Suttaṃ, IV.250

Five ways in which female disciples attend to the essential and reach growth thereby.

PTS: Growth, IV.168
WP: Growth, II.1293
ATI: Growth, Bhikkhu Thanissaro, trans.

 [I. Sagathavagga]  [II. Nidanavagga]  [III. Khandhavagga]  [IV. Salayatanavagga]  [V. Mahavagga]

 [Salayatanasamyutta]  [Vedanasamyutta]  [Matugamasamyutta]  [Jambhukhadakasamyutta]  [Samandakasamyutta]  [Moggallānasamyutta]  [Cittasamyutta]  [Gamanisamyutta]  [Asankhatasamyutta]  [Avyakatasamyutta]


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