Kuddhaka Nikaya
The Collection of Little Texts
The Thera-Gāthā
PTS: Thera-Gāthā, Edited by Richard Pischel, pgs.1-122 of The Thera- and Therī-Gāthā: Stanzas Ascribed to Elders of the Buddhist Order of Recluses, Edited by Hermann Oldenberg and Richard Pischel
Psalms of the Brethren, Mrs. Rhys Davids, trans.
Introductory verses by the Compilers of the Anthology 6
Verse numbers are given in square brackets following the Pāḷi Gāthā entry — [v 769-793]. To link to or find an individual verse first go to the page containing the Gatha (the Pāḷi text is all on the same page), then append the verse number to the end of the url. Example: dhamma-vinaya/pali/kd/thag/thag.1-264.pali.bd.htm#v790
See Ed 1 for complications with regard to verse numbering between different editions of the Pāḷi text.
Search Index by Name:
—A— Abhayo Abhayo 2 Abhibhuta Adhimutto Adhimutto 2 Ajino Ajito Ajjuno Anando Anganikabharadvajo Angulimalo Anjanavaniyo Annakondanno Anupamo Anuruddho Atumo —B— Bakula Balliyo Bandhuro Belatthakani Belatthasiso Bhaddaji Bhaddiyo Kaligodhayaputto Bhaddo Bhagu Bharadvajo Bharato Bhuto Brahmadatto Brahmali —C— Cakkhupalo Candano Channo Cittako Cula-Panthaka Culagavaccho Culako —D— Dabbo Dasako Devasabho Devasabho 2 Dhammapalo Dhammasavapitu Dhammasavo Dhammiko Dhaniyo —E— Ekadhammasavaniyo Ekavihariya Ekuddaniyo Erako —G— Gahvaratiriyo Gangatiriyo Gavampati Gayakassapo Godatto Godhiko Gotamo Gotamo 2 Gotamo 3 Grimanando —H— Harito Harito Hattharohaputto Herannakani —I— Isidatto Isidinno —J— Jambugamikaputto Jento Purohitaputto Jento Jmbuko Jotidasa —K— Kaludayi Kanhadinno Kankha Revato Kappatakuro Kappo Kassapo Katiyano Khadiravaniyo Khandasumano Khitako Khitako Khujjasobhito Kimbilo Kimbilo Kosallavihari Kosiyo Kullo Kulo Kumaputtassa Therassa Sahayako Kumaputto Kumarakassapo Kundadhano Kutivihari Kutivihari 2 Lakuntako —L— Lomasakangiyo —M— Maha Kassapo Maha Kotthika Maha Moggallano Mahacundo Mahagavaccho Mahakaccayano Mahakalo MahaKappina Mahanago Mahanamo Mahapanthako Malitavambho Malunkyaputto Malunkyaputto Manavo Matangaputto Meghiyo Melajino Mendasiro Mettaji Migajalo Migasiro Moghaarāja Mudito —N— Nadikassapo Nagasamala Nagito Nandako Nandako 2 Nandiyo Nando Nhatakamuni Nigrodho Nisabho Nito —P— Paccayo Pakkho Parapariyo Parapariyo 2 Parapariyo 3 Paripunnako Passika Pavittho Phussa Pilinda-Vaccha Pindola-Bharadvaja Piyanjaho Posiyo Punnamasa Punnamaso Punno Mantaputto Punno —R— Radho Rahulo rājadatto Rakkhito Ramaneyyako Ramaniyakutiko Ramaniyavihari Ratthapalo Revato —S— Sabbakamo Sabbamitto Sabhiyo Samannakani Sambhuto Sambulakaccano Samidatto Samiddhi Samitigutto Sandhito Sanjayo Sanu Sappadasa Sappako Sarabhango Sariputto Satimattiya Saṅgharakkhito Saṅkicca Selo Senako Setuccha Siho Silava Singalapita Sirima Sirimando Sirimitto Sirivaddho Sitavaniyo Sivako Sobhito Somamitto Sono Koliviso Sono Kutikanno Sono Potiriyaputto Sopako Sopako 2 Subahu Subhuti Subhuto Sugandho Suhemanto Sumangalo Sumano Sumano 2 Sunago Sundarasamuddo Sunito Suppiyo Suradho Susarado Suyamano —T— Talaputo Tekicchakani Telakani Tisso Tisso 2 Tisso 3 —U— Udayi Ujjayo Ukkhepakatavaccho Upali Upaseno Vangantaputto Upavano Uruvelakassapo Usabho Usabho Uttarapalo Uttaro Uttaro 2 Uttiyo Uttiyo Uttiyo 2 Utto —V— Vacchagotto Vacchapalo Vaddhamano Vaddho Vajayo Vajjiputto Vajjiputto 2 Vajjito Vakkali Valliyo Valliyo 2 Valliyo 3 Vanavaccha Vanavaccha Vanavacchassa Therassa Samanero Vangiso Vappo Vappo 2 Varana Vasabho Vijitaseno Vimalakondanno Vimalo Vimalo 2 Viro Visakho Pancaliputto Vitasoko Vodalo —Y— Yasadatto Yasoja Yasso
Heavily falls the rain of guilt on fault
Concealed; less heavy where the fault lies bare
By death the world is smitten sore; by age
And by decay 'tis shrouded and beset,
Pierced by the dart of craving evermore,
By itch of pestering desires assailed.
By death the world is held enslaved; by age
And by decay escorted, guarded sure,
Without a refuge, everlastingly
Struck as by thief with bludgeon and with sword.
Like forest fires behold them drawing nigh: -
Death and disease, decay, dread trinity,
Whom to confront no strength sufficeth, yea,
No swiftness aught avails to flee away.
Make thou the day not futile, not in vain,
Whether it be by little or by much.
For every day and night that thou dost waste,
By so much less thy life remains to live.
Whether thou walk or stand or sit or lie,
For thee the final day of life draws nigh;
No time hast thou to dally heedlessly.
Mrs. Rhys Davids translation of the verses of Ven. Sirimaṇḍa. THAG 222
1. Eka-Nipāta 1
PTS: Canto I. Single Verses
1. Subhūti 1 [v 1]
PTS: Subhūti 4
ATI: Subhuti, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
2. Mahā Koṭṭhika 1 [v 2]
PTS: Koṭṭhita the Great 6
ATI: Mahakotthika, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
3. Kaṅkhā Revato 2 [v 3]
PTS: Kaṅkhā Revata 7
ATI: Kankharevata, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
4. Puṇṇo Mantāputto 2 [v 4]
PTS: Puṇṇa of the Mantānis 8
5. Dabbo 2 [v 5]
PTS: Dabba of the Mallas 10
6. Sītavaniyo 2 [v 6]
PTS: Sīta-Vaniya 11
7. Balliyo 2 [v 7]
PTS: Bhalliya 12
ATI: Bhalliya, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
8. Vīro 2 [v 8]
PTS: Vīra 13
9. Pilinda Vaccha 2 [v 9]
PTS: Pilinda-Vaccha 14
10. Puṇṇamāsa 3 [v 10]
PTS: Puṇṇamāsa 15
11. Cūla Gavaccho 3 [v 11]
PTS: Gavaccha the Less 16
12. Mahā Gavaccho 3 [v 12]
PTS: Gavaccha the Great 17
13. Vanavaccha 3 [v 13]
PTS: Vana-Vaccha 17
ATI: Vanavaccha, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
14. Vanavacchassa therassa sāmaṇero 3 [v 14]
PTS: Sīvaka 18
ATI: Vanavaccha's pupil, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
15. Kuṇḍadhāno 3 [v 15]
PTS: Kuṇḍa-Dhāna 19
16. Belaṭṭhasīso 3 [v 16]
PTS: Belaṭṭhasīsa 21
ATI: Belatthasisa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
BPS: Belaṭṭhasīsa, Hellmuth Hecker & Sister Khema trans.
17. Dāsako 4 [v 17]
PTS: Dasaka 21
18. Siṅgālapitā 4 [v 18]
PTS: Singāla-Pitar 22
ATI: Singalapita, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
19. Kuḷo 4 [v 19]
PTS: Kula 24
20. Ajito 4 [v 20]
PTS: Ajita 25
21. Nigrodho 4 [v 21]
PTS: Nigrodha 26
ATI: Nigrodha, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
22. Cittako 4 [v 22]
PTS: Cittaka 26
ATI: Cittaka, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
23. Vodālo 5 [v 23]
PTS: Gosāla 27
ATI: Gosala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
24. Sugandho 5 [v 24]
PTS: Sugandha 28
25. Nandiyo 5 [v 25]
PTS: Nandiya 29
ATI: Nandiya (to Mara), Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
26. Abhayo 5 [v 26]
PTS: Abhaya 30
ATI: Abhaya, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
27. Lomasakaṅgiyo 5 [v 27]
PTS: Lomasakangiya 31
28. Jambugāmikaputto 5 [v 28]
PTS: Jambugāmika's Son 32
29. Hārito 5 [v 29]
Note in the biographical material Mrs. Rhys Davids use of the phrase "make straight the heart" and the referenced simile of straightening out the shaft of an arrow. Is this the intended meaning of ceto-ekodhibhava? I think so. Hence my translation "whole-hearted single-mindedness".
PTS: Hārita 33
ATI: Harita, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
30. Uttiyo 5 [v 30]
PTS: Uttiya 34
31. Gahvaratīriyo 6 [v 31]
PTS: Gahvaratīriya 35
32. Suppiyo 6 [v 32]
PTS: Suppiya 36
ATI: Suppiya, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
33. Sopāko 6 [v 33]
PTS: Sopāka 37
34. Posiyo 6 [v 34]
PTS: Posiya 39
35. Sāmaññakāni 6 [v 35]
PTS: Sāmaññakāni 40
36. Kumāputto 6 [v 36]
PTS: Kumā's Son 41
37. Kumāputtassa therassa sahāyako 6 [v 37]
PTS: The Comrade of Kumā's Son 42
38. Gavampati 6 [v 38]
PTS: Gavampati 42
39. Tisso 6 [v 39]
PTS: Tissa 43
ATI: Tissa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
40. Vaḍḍhamāno 7 [v 40]
PTS: Vaḍḍhamāna 44
41. Sirivaḍḍho 7 [v 41]
PTS: Sirivaḍḍha 45
ATI: Sirivaddha, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
42. Khadiravaniyo 7 [v 42]
PTS: Khadira-Vaniya 45
43. Sumaṅgalo 7 [v 43]
PTS: Sumaṅgala 47
ATI: Sumangala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
44. Sānu 7 [v 44]
PTS: Sānu 48
45. Ramaṇīyavihārī 7 [v 45]
PTS: Ramaṇīyavihārin 49
46. Samiddhi 7 [v 46]
PTS: Samiddhi 51
47. Ujjayo 8 [v 47]
PTS: Ujjaya 52
48. Sañjayo 8 [v 48]
PTS: Sañjaya 52
49. Rāmaṇeyyako 8 [v 49]
PTS: Rāmaṇeyyaka 53
ATI: Ramaneyyaka, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
50. Vimalo 8 [v 50]
PTS: Vimala 54
ATI: Vimala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
51-54. Godhiko, Subāhu, Valliyo, Uttiyo 8-9 [v 51-54]
PTS: Godhika, Subāhu, Valliya, Uttiya 54
55. Añjanāvaniyo 9 [v 55]
PTS: Añjana-vaniya 56
56. Kuṭivihārī 9 [v 56]
PTS: Kuṭivihārin 57
ATI: Kutiviharin (1), Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
57. Kuṭivihārī (2) 9 [v 57]
PTS: Kuṭivihārin (2) 58
ATI: Kutiviharin (2), Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
58. Ramaṇīyakuṭiko 9 [v 58]
PTS: Ramaṇiyakuṭika 59
59. Kosallavihārī 9 [v 59]
PTS: Kosalavihārin 59
60. Sīvali 9 [v 60]
PTS: Sīvali 60
61. Vappo 9 [v 61]
PTS: Vappa 62
ATI: Vappa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
62. Vajjiputto 10 [v 62]
PTS: Vajji-putta 63
63. Pakkho 10 [v 63]
PTS: Pakkha 64
64. Vimalakoṇḍañño 10 [v 64]
PTS: Vimala-Kondañña 65
65. Ukkhepakata-Vaccha 10 [v 65]
There are some interesting traces of old thoughts to be found in the background story for the verses of this Thera: that the 3 Piṭakas existed prior to the first council; (of course a 'basket' is not the same thing as what is contained in the basket); that at least some believed that the 3 Piṭakas exist as a sort of cosmic force that is recollected by each succeeding Buddha; that for the most part bhikkhus at the time specialized in one or another branch of Dhamma study: Dhamma or Vinaya, or what is called "Abhidhamma" with a capital "A" but which more likely ought to be referring to "abhidhamma" meaning the study of actual practice, especially in the cultivation of the jhanas, release, and the super-normal powers, in which case calling it a 'basket' would indicate that such was not so much a collection of stories about specific occurrances as a collection of ideas. (The Patimokkha vs. the Sutta Vibhanga; the Anguttara and Samyutta Nikayas -- with some exceptions -- vs the Majjhima and Digha Nikayas) Given this latter understanding the idea of the pitakas existing throughout time becomes more reasonable: A Buddha, his two main disciples, and the main and corrolary ideas relative to awakening and to the ethical conduct of one who follows the Dhamma would all be cosmic principles which resurface periodically at various points in the evolutions of the world.
PTS: Ukkhepata-Vaccha 66
66. Meghiyo 10 [v 66]
PTS: Meghiya 67
67. Ekadhammasavanīyo 10 [v 67]
PTS: Ekadhamma-Savanīya 67
68. Ekuddāniyo 10 [v 68]
PTS: Ekudāniya 68
ATI: Ekuddaniya, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
69. Channo 10 [v 69]
PTS: Channa 70
70. Puṇṇo 11 [v 70]
PTS: Puṇṇa 70
71. Vacchapālo 11 [v 71]
PTS: Vacchapāla 72
72. Ātumo 11 [v 72]
PTS: Ātuma 72
73. Māṇavo 11 [v 73]
PTS: Māṇava 73
ATI: Manavo, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
74. Suyāmano 11 [v 74]
PTS: Suyāmana 74
75. Susārado 11 [v 75]
PTS: Susārada 74
76. Piyañjaho 11 [v 76]
PTS: Piyañjaha 75
77. Hatthārohaputto 12 [v 77]
PTS: Hatthāroha-Putta 76
78. Meṇḍasiro 12 [v 78]
PTS: Meṇḍasīra 76
79. Rakkhito 12 [v 79]
PTS: Rakkhita 77
80. Uggo 12 [v 80]
PTS: Ugga 78
81. Samitigutto 12 [v 81]
PTS: Samitigutta 78
82. Kassapo 12 [v 82]
PTS: Kassapa 79
83. Sīho 12 [v 83]
PTS: Sīha 80
84. Nīto 13 [v 84]
PTS: Nīta 81
ATI: Nita, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
85. Sunāgo 13 [v 85]
PTS: Sunāga 81
ATI: Sunaga, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
86. Nāgito 13 [v 86]
PTS: Nāgita 82
87. Paviṭṭho 13 [v 87]
PTS: Paviṭṭha 82
88. Ajjuno 13 [v 88]
PTS: Ajjuna 83
89. Devasabho 13 [v 89]
PTS: Devasabha 83
90. Sāmidatto 13 [v 90]
PTS: Sāmidatta 84
91. Paripuṇṇako 13 [v 91]
PTS: Paripuṇṇaka 85
92. Vajayo 14 [v 92]
PTS: Vijaya 85
93. Erako 14 [v 93]
PTS: Eraka 86
ATI: Eraka, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
94. Mettaji 14 [v 94]
PTS: Mettaji 87
95. Cakkhupālo 14 [v 95]
PTS: Cakkhupāla 88
ATI: Cakkhupala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
96. Khaṇḍasumano 14 [v 96]
PTS: Khaṇḍasumana 90
97. Tisso 14 [v 97]
PTS: Tiasa 90
98. Abhayo 14 [v 98]
PTS: Abhaya (2) 92
99. Uttiyo 14 [v 99]
PTS: Uttiya 92
100. Devasabho 14 [v 100]
PTS: Devasabha (2) 93
101. Belaṭṭhakāni 15 [v 101]
PTS: Belaṭṭhakāni 94
102. Setuccha 15 [v 102]
PTS: Setuccha 94
103. Bandhuro 15 [v 103]
PTS: Bandhura 95
104. Khitako 15 [v 104]
PTS: Khitaka 96
ATI: Khitaka, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
105. Malitavambho 15 [v 105]
PTS: Malitavambha 96
106. Suhemanto 15 [v 106]
PTS: Suhemanta 97
107. Dhammasavo 15 [v 107]
PTS: Dhammasava 98
108. Dhammasavapitu 15 [v 108]
PTS: Dhammasava,'s Father 98
109. Saṅgharakkhito 16 [v 109]
PTS: Saṅgha-Rakkhita 98
110. Usabho 16 [v 110]
PTS: Usabha 99
111. Jento 16 [v 111]
PTS: Jenta 100
ATI: Jenta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
BD: Jenta, Olds, trans.
112. Vacchagotto 16 [v 112]
PTS: Vacchagotta 101
113. Vanavacchaa 16 [v 113]
PTS: Vana-Vaccha (2) 101
ATI: Vanavacchaa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
114. Adhimutto 16 [v 114]
PTS: Adhimutta 102
115. Mahanāmo 16 [v 115]
PTS: Mahanāma 103
116. Pārāpariyo 17 [v 116]
PTS: Pārāpariya 103
117. Yasso 17 [v 117]
PTS: Yasa 104
118. Kimbilo 17 [v 118]
PTS: Kimbila 105
ATI: Kimbila, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
119. Vajjiputto 17 [v 119]
PTS: Vajji-putta (2) 106
120. Isidatto 17 [v 120]
PTS: Isidatta 107
ATI: Isidatta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
2. Duka-Nipāta 18
PTS: Canto II. Psalms of Two Verses
(1) 121. Uttaro 18 [v 121-122]
PTS: Uttara 109
(2) 122. Piṇḍola-Bhāradvāja 18 [v 123-124]
PTS: Piṇḍola-Bhāradvāja 110
(3) 123. Valliyo 18 [v 125-126]
PTS: Valliya 112
(4) 124. Gaṅgātīriyo 18 [v 127-128]
PTS: Gaṅgātīriya 112
(5) 125. Ajino 19 [v 129-130]
PTS: Ajina 114
(6) 126. Meḷajino 19 [v 131-132]
PTS: Melajina 114
(7) 127. Rādho 19 [v 133-134]
PTS: Rādha 115
(8) 128. Surādho 19 [v 135-136]
PTS: Surādha 116
(9) 129. Gotamo 19 [v 137-138]
PTS: Gotama 117
(10) 130. Vasabho 19 [v 139-140]
PTS: Vasabha 118
(11) 131. Mahācundo 20 [v 141-142]
PTS: Cunda the Great 118
(12) 132. Jotidāsa 20 [v 143-144]
PTS: Jotidāsa 119
(13) 133. Heraññakāni 20 [v 145-146]
PTS: Heraññakāni 121
ATI: Heraññakani, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
Heraññakani, Andrew Olendzki trans.
(14) 134. Somamitto 20 [v 147-148]
PTS: Somamitta 121
(15) 135. Sabbamitto 21 [v 149-150]
PTS: Sabbamitta 122
(16) 136. Mahākālo 21 [v 151-152]
PTS: Mahākāḷa 123
ATI: Mahakala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(17) 137. Tisso 21 [v 153-154]
PTS: Tissa 125
(18) 138. Kimbilo 21 [v 155-156]
PTS: Kimbila 125
(19) 139. Nando 21 [v 157-158]
PTS: Nanda 126
(20) 140. Sirimā 21 [v 159-160]
PTS: Sirimat 127
(21) 141. Uttaro 22 [v 161-162]
PTS: Uttara 128
(22) 142. Bhaddaji 22 [v 163-164]
Bhaddaji becomes arahant and describes a previous life to the Buddha.
PTS: Bhaddaji 129
(23) 143. Sobhito 22 [v 165-166]
PTS: Sobhita 131
(24) 144. Valliyo 22 [v 167-168]
PTS: 'Valliya' 131
ATI: Valliya, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(25) 145. Vitasoko 23 [v 169-170]
PTS: Vitasoka 133
(26) 146. Puṇṇamāso 23 [v 171-172]
PTS: Puṇṇamāsa 134
ATI: Punnamasa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(27) 147. Nandako 23 [v 173-174]
PTS: Nandaka 134
ATI: Nandaka, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(28) 148. Bharato 23 [v 175-176]
PTS: Bharata 135
(29) 149. Bhāradvājo 23 [v 177-178]
PTS: Bhāradvāja 136
(30) 150. Kaṇhadinno 23 [v 179-180]
PTS: Kaṇhadinna 137
ATI: Kanhadinna, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(31) 151. Migasiro 24 [v 181-182]
PTS: Migasira 138
(32) 152. Sivako 24 [v 183-184]
PTS: Sivaka 139
(33) 153. Upavāno 24 [v 185-186]
The verses of one of the Buddha's early attendants. A simple request for medicine for Gotama at a time when he was ill.
PTS: Upavāna 140
(34) 154. Isidinno 24 [v 187-188]
Isidinna's declaration of Arahantship which was a quote from the teaching that converted him.
PTS: Isidinna 141
(35) 155. Sambulakaccāno 24 [v 189-190]
PTS: Sambula-Kaccāna 142
(36) 156. Khitako 25 [v 191-192]
PTS: Khitaka 143
(37) 157. Soṇo Poṭiriyaputto 25 [v 193-194]
PTS: Soṇa-Poṭiriyaputta 143
ATI: Sona Potiriyaputta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(38) 158. Nisabho 25 25 [v 195-196]
PTS: Nisabha 144
(39) 159. Usabho 25 25 [v 197-198]
PTS: Usabha 145
(40) 160. Kappaṭakuro 26 [v 199-200]
PTS: Kappaṭa-Kura 146
(41) 161. Kumārakassapo 26 [v 201-202]
PTS: Kumāra-Kassapa 147
(42) 162. Dhammapālo 26 [v 203-204]
PTS: Dhammapāla 149
(43) 163. Brahmāli 26 [v 205-206]
PTS: Brahmāli 150
(44) 164. Moghaarājā 27 [v 207-208]
PTS: Mogharājan 151
(45) 165. Visākho Pañcālīputto 27 [v 209-210]
PTS: Visākha, Pañcālī's Son 152
(46) 166. Cūḷako 27 [v 211-212]
PTS: Cūḷaka 153
ATI: Culaka: The Call of the Peacocks, Andrew Olendzki trans.
(47) 167. Anūpamo 27 [v 213-214]
PTS: Anūpama 154
(48) 168. Vajjito 28 [v 215-216]
PTS: Vajjita 155
(49) 169. Sandhito 28 [v 217-218]
PTS: Sandhita 156
3. Tika-Nipāta 29
PTS: Canto III. Psalms of Three Verses
(1) 170. Aṅgaṇikabhāradvājo 29 [v 219-221]
PTS: Angaṇika-Bhāradvāja 157
(2) 171. Paccayo 29 [v 222-224]
PTS: Paccaya 158
(3) 172. Bākula 29 [v 225-227]
PTS: Bākula 159
(4) 173. Dhaniyo 30 [v 228-230]
PTS: Dhaniya 161
(5) 174. Mātaṅgaputto 30 [v 231-233]
PTS: Mātanga's Son 162
ATI: Matangaputta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(6) 175. Khujja-Sobhito 30 [v 234-236]
PTS: Khujja-Sobhita 163
(7) 176. Vāraṇa 30 [v 237-239]
PTS: Vāraṇa 164
(8) 177. Passika 30 [v 240-242]
PTS: Passika 165
(9) 178. Yasoja 31 [v 243-245]
PTS: Yasoja 166
ATI: Yasoja, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(10) 179. Sāṭimattiya 31 [v 246-248]
PTS: Sāṭimattiya 167
(11) 180. Upāli 31 [v 249-251]
PTS: Upāli 168
(12) 181. Uttarapālo 31 [v 252-254]
PTS: Uttarapāla 170
(13) 182. Abhibhūta 31 [v 255-257]
PTS: Abhibhūta 170
ATI: Abhibhuta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(14) 183. Gotamo 32 [v 258-260]
PTS: Gotama (2) 171
ATI: Gotama, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(15) 184. Hārito 32 [v 261-263]
PTS: Hārita (2) 172
ATI: Harita (2), Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(16) 185. Vimalo 32 [v 264-266]
PTS: Vimala (2) 173
4. Catukka-Nipāta 33
PTS: Canto IV. Psalms of Four Verses
(1) 186. Nāgasamāla 33 [v 267-]
PTS: Nāgasamāla 175
(2) 187. Bhagu 33 [v 271-274]
PTS: Bhagu 176
(3) 188. Sabhiyo 33 [v 275-278]
PTS: Sabhiya 177
(4) 189. Nandako 34 [v 279-282]
PTS: Nandaka 178
(5) 190. Jmbuko 34 [v 283-286]
PTS: Jambuka 179
(6) 191. Senako 34 [v 287-290]
PTS: Senaka 180
(7) 192. Sambhūto 34 [v 291-294]
PTS: Sambhūta 182
(8) 193. Rāhulo 35 [v 295-298]
PTS: Rāhula 183
ATI: Rāhula, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(9) 194. Candano 35 [v 299-302]
PTS: Candana 183
(10) 195. Dhammiko 35 [v 303-306]
PTS: Dhammika 185
ATI: Dhammika, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(11) 196. Sappako 36 [v 307-310]
PTS: Sabbaka 186
(12) 197. Mudito 36 [v 311-314]
PTS: Mudita 187
5. Pañca-Nipāta 37
PTS: Canto V. Psalms of Five Verses
(1) 198. Rājadatto 37 [v 315-319]
PTS: Rājadatta 189
ATI: Rājadatta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(2) 199. Subhūto 37 [v 320-324]
PTS: Subhūta 190
(3) 200. Grimānando 38 [v 325-329]
PTS: Girimānanda 192
(4) 201. Sumano 38 [v 330-334]
PTS: Sumana 193
(5) 202. Vaḍḍho 38 [v 335-339]
The Bhikkhu Vaḍḍa visits his bhikkhunī arahant mother alone and casually dressed, thereby breaking rules and showing disrespect and is rebuked. He takes it to heart and becomes arahant himself.
We can see here the transition Vadda makes between regarding his mother as 'his mother' and his mother as 'an arahant.'
PTS: Vaḍḍha 194
(6) 203. Nadīkassapo 39 [v 340-344]
PTS: Kassapa of the River 195
(7) 204. Gayākassapo 39 [v 345-349]
PTS: Kassapa of Gayā 107
(8) 205. Vakkali 39 [v 350-354]
PTS: Vakkali 197
ATI: Vakkali, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(9) 206. Vijitaseno 40 [v 355-359]
PTS: Vijitasena 200
ATI: Vijitasena, K.R. Norman trans.
(10) 207. Yasadatto 40 [v 360-364]
PTS: Yasadatta 201
ATI: Yasadatta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(11) 208. Soṇo Kuṭikaṇṇo 40 [v 365-369]
PTS: Soṇa-Kuṭikanna 202
(12) 209. Kosiyo 41 [v 370-374]
PTS: Kosiya 204
6. Cha-Nipāta 42
PTS: Canto VI. Psalms of Six Verses
(1) 210. Uruveḷakassapo 42 [v 375-380]
PTS: Kassapa of Uruvelā 206
(2) 211. Tekicchakāni 42 [v 381-386]
PTS: Tekicchakāri 208
ATI: Tekicchakani, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(3) 212. Mahānāgo 43 [v 387-392]
PTS: Mahā-nāga 210
ATI: Mahānāga, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(4) 213. Kullo 43 [v 393-398]
PTS: Kulla 211
(5) 214. Māluṅkyaputto 44 [v 399-404]
PTS: Mālunkya's Son 212.
ATI: Māluṅkyaputta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(6) 215. Sappadāsa 44 [v 405-410]
PTS: Sappadāsa 214
ATI: Sappadāsa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(7) 216. Kātiyāno 45 [v 411-416]
PTS: Katiyāna 215
(8) 217. Migajālo 45 [v 417-422]
PTS: Migajāla 216
(9) 218. Jento Purohitaputto 46 [v 423-428]
PTS: Jenta (2) 218
ATI: Jenta, the Royal Chaplain's Son, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(10) 219. Sumano 46 [v 429-434]
PTS: Sumana (2) 220
ATI: Sumana the Novice, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(11) 220. Nhātakamuni 46 [v 435-440]
PTS: Nhātaka-muni 222
(12) 221. Brahmadatto 47 [v 441-446]
PTS: Brahmadatta 223
ATI: Brahmadatta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(13) 222. Sirimaṇḍo 47 [v 447-452]
PTS: Sirimaṇḍa 224
ATI: Sirimanda, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
Sirimanda Thera: Beaten Like a Thief (Excerpt) Andrew Olendzki trans.
(14) 223. Sabbakāmo 47 [v 453-458]
PTS: Sabbakāma 226
7. Satta-Nipāta 49
PTS: Canto VII. Psalms of Seven Verses
(1) 224. Sundarasamuddo 49 [v 459-465]
PTS: Sundara-Samudda 228
ATI: Sundara Samudda and the Courtesan, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(2) 225. Lakuṇṭako 49 [v 466-472]
PTS: Lakuṇṭaka-Bhaddiya 230
(3) 226. Bhaddo 50 [v 473-479]
PTS: Bhadda 231
(4) 227. Sopako 50 [v 480-486]
PTS: Sopāka (2) 233
(5) 228. Sarabhaṅgo 50 [v 487-493]
PTS: Sarabhanga 236
8. Aṭṭha-Nipāta 52
PTS: Canto VIII. Psalms of Eight Verses
(1) 229. Mahākaccāyano 52 [v 494-501]
PTS: Kaccā[ya]na the Great 238
ATI: Maha-Kaccana, Bhk. Bodhi trans.
(2) 230. Sirimitto 52 [v 502-509]
PTS: Sirimitta 241
(3) 231. Mahāpanthako 53 [v 510-517]
PTS: Panthaka Major 242
9. Nava-Nipāta 54
PTS: Canto IX. Psalm of Nine Verses
(1) 232. Bhūto 54 [v 518-526]
PTS: Bhūta 245
ATI: Bhuta Thera: No Greater Contentment (Excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
Bhūta, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
10. Dasa-Nipāta 56
PTS: Canto X. Psalms of Ten Verses
(1) 233. Kāḷudāyī 56 [v 527-536]
PTS: Kāḷudāyin, 248
ATI: Kaludayin Thera: Crossing the Rohini (Excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
(2) 234. Ekavihāriya 57 [v 537-546]
PTS: Ekavihāriya 251
ATI: Ekavihariya: Dwelling Alone, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
Kaludayin Thera: Crossing the Rohini (Excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
(3) 235. MahāKappina 58 [v 547-556]
PTS: Kappina the Great 254
(4) 236. Cūḷa-Panthaka 59 [v 557-566]
This story contains an interesting description of a meditation practice wherein the Buddha gives Cūḷa-Panthaka a clean cloth to use while he develops serenity (samādhi.). This is not one of the orthodox kasinas. The way it works is that Cūḷa-Panthaka handles the cloth as he meditates and as he does so the cloth becomes soiled and by that he perceives the inconstance and corruption of existence. The story has become quite famous. Cūḷa-Panthaka was also kown as the bhikkhu most skilled at creating multiple forms of himself.
PTS: Cūḷa-Panthaka 258
(5) 237. Kappo 59 [v 567-576]
An example of how an original 'subject for meditation' might have been given. Here the Buddha teaches Kappa by way of the 'corrupt' nature of the body.
PTS: Kappa 259
ATI: Kappa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(6) 238. Upaseno Vaṅgantaputto 60 [v 577-586]
PTS: Upasena, Vanganta's Son 261
(7) 239. Gotamo 61 [v 587-596]
PTS: Gotama 264
ATI/DTO: Gotama, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
11. Ekādasa-Nipāta 62
PTS: Canto XI. Psalm of Eleven Verses
(1) 240. Saṅkicca 62 [v 597-607]
PTS: Sankicca 266
ATI: Sankicca, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
12. Dvādasa-Nipāta 63
PTS: Canto XII. Psalms of Twelve Verses
(1) 241. Sīlava 63 [v 608-619]
PTS: Sīlavat 269
(2) 242. Sunīto 63 [v 620-631]
PTS: Sunīta 271
ATI: Sunita the Outcaste, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
13. Terasa-Nipāta 63
PTS: Canto XIII. Psalms of thirteen Verses
(1) 243. Soṇo Koḷiviso 65 [v 632-644]
PTS: Soṇa-Koḷivisa 275
ATI/DTO: Soṇa Koḷivisa
14. Cuddasa-Nipāta 67
PTS: Canto XIV. Psalms of Fourteen Verses
(1) 244. Revato 67 [v 645-658]
PTS: Revata 279
ATI: Revata's Farewell, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(2) 245. Godatto 67 [v 659-672]
PTS: Godatta 281
ATI: Godatta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
15. Solasa-Nipāta 67
PTS: Canto XV. Psalms of Sixteen Verses
(1) 246. Aññā-Koṇḍañño 69 [v 673-688]
The verses of Anna-Kondanna, the first disciple to have become a streamwinner and Arahant.
PTS: Aññā-Koṇḍañña 284
ATI: Aññakondañña Thera: Aññakondañña (Excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
(2) 247. Udāyī 69 [v 689-704]
Venerable Udāyin sings the Buddha's praises, likening him to a mighty elephant, and declares his own arahantship.
PTS: Udāyin 287
ATI: Udayin Thera: The Blooming Lotus (excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
16. Vīsata-Nipāta 71
PTS: Canto XVI. Psalms of Twenty Verses
(1) 248. Adhimutto 71 [v 705-725]
PTS: Adhimutta 291
ATI: Adhimutta and the Bandits, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(2) 249. Pārāpariyo 72 [v 726-746]
PTS: Pārāpariya 294
(3) 250. Telakāni 73 [v 747-768]
PTS: Telakāni 298
(4) 251. Raṭṭhapālo 75 [v 769-793]
PTS: Raṭṭhapāla 302
ATI: Ratthapala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(5) 252. Māluṅkyaputto 77 [v 794-817]
PTS: Mālunkyā's Son 307
(6) 253. Selo 78 [v 818-841]
The verses of Sela, a teacher of 300 brahmin youths who was converted along with his entire following and who, along with his following attained Arahantship in the seven days thereafter.
PTS: Sela, 310
(7) 254. Bhaddiyo Kāḷigodhāyaputto 80 [v 842-865]
PTS: Bhaddiya son of Kāḷī of the Godhas 315
ATI: Bhaddiya Kaligodhayaputta, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(8) 255. Aṅgulimālo 80 [v 866-891]
The verses of Angulimala, a fierce bandit/murderer who was converted by Gotama.
PTS: Aṅgulimāla 318
ATI: Angulimala, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
Angulimala Thera: The Moon Released (Excerpt), Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
(9) 256. Anuruddho 83 [v 892-919]
PTS: Anuruddha 325
(10) 257. Pārāpariyo 84 [v 920-948]
PTS: Pārāpariya 331
17. Tiṃsa-Nipāta 87
PTS: Canto XVII. Psalms of Thirty Verses
(1) 258. Phussa 87 [v 949-980]
When asked by a seer of another sect what he forecasts for the future of the Saṅgha Phussa paints a grim picture.
PTS: Phussa 335
(2) 259. Sāriputto 89 [v 981-1017]
PTS: Sāriputtā 340
ATI: Sariputta Thera: Keeping the Wheel Rolling (Excerpt), Andrew Olendzki trans.
Sāriputta, Bhk. Thanissaro, trans.
(3) 260. Ānando 91 [v 1018-1050]
The various verses attributed to Ananda. Includes the story of his becoming the Buddhas attendant and lists the Buddhas previous attendants. There is also here, in one of Ananda's verses, what is probably the beginning of the idea that the Buddha left us 84,000 suttas. Of course it is not certain that this was not a later insertion. However, I have personally counted up the suttas and using the most expansive understanding of 'sutta' there are, if not exactly 84,000, very close to that number. And that was not counting the Kuddhaka.
PTS: Ānanda 349
ATI: Ananda Thera: Ananda Alone, Andrew Olendzki trans.
Ananda (Excerpt), Hellmuth Hecker & Sister Khema trans.
18. Cattālīsa-Nipāta 94
PTS: Canto XVIII. Psalm of Forty Verses
(1) 261. Mahā Kassapo 94 [v 1051-1090]
The story and verses of this great Thera. Considered the patron saint of Chinese Buddhism and believed by many Chinese Buddhists to still be living.
PTS: Kassapa the Great 359
ATI: Maha Kassapa, Bhk. Thanissaro trans.
Maha Kassapa Thera: At Home in the Mountains (excerpt), Andrew Olendzki
19. Paññāsa-Nipāta 97
PTS: Canto XIX. Psalm of Fifty Verses
(1) 262. Tālapuṭo 97 [v 1091-1145]
PTS: Tālaputa 369
20. Saṭṭhika-Nipāta 104
PTS: Canto XX. Poem of Sixty Verses
(1) 263. Mahā Moggallāno 104 [v 1146-1208]
PTS: Moggallāna the Great 382
21. Maha-Nipāta 109
PTS: Canto XXI. Poem of Seventy-One Verses: Called also 'The Great Nipāta'
(1) 264. Vaṅgīso 109 [v 1209-1279]
PTS: Vaṅgīso 395
ATI: Vangisa (Excerpt), Hellmuth Hecker & Sister Khema trans.
PTS: Envoi 412